I had some old items I wanted to spruce up and Mikki-fy, and it's amazing what magic you can do with cans of spray paint and some extra time on your hands!
First up were some paper mache letters I got from the Ballooney Shoppe @ P49 each, and a letter holder from Gaisano Capital Danao that I got a few years ago.
This one was an old cardboard tray from a Mikiro ring display.
These old skull bottles I got a few years back originally came in colored glass, but I think the gold looks just gorgeous!
After an hour or so of drying, here are my DIY gilded decor!
The letter holder, I'll use as a charging dock for my Ipad and Jenikka's tablet.
The gold tray keeps my LV wallet box, a picture frame (P49 from Gaisano Grand), some of my favorite perfumes and my gold pineapple (P599 from H&M)!
I have to say, the gold skulls are my favorite. I added some white flowers to prettify them even more.
I'm super happy with how these turned out, and can't wait to fill in my frames with some nice pictures to complete the look. =)
Cuuuute! <3